Wednesday, September 10, 2014

3 sunny days, 2 lasting nights

Went to Bintan for the first time for 3 days and 2 nights. Thankful for this experience thanks to Mag for being so altruistic and sharing towards the three kids. 

Being in a constant bustle transiting from school, to work to violin exam, this retreat allowed me much time. Having a slow lifestyle there made me feel as if I was living in a different time zone, where eating, walking and playing didnt have to be rushed. As bad as it may sound, I was really unused to it. I guess I should have more periods of real-chill like these. Time in a way passed really slowly over there, but yet as a whole, in a flash. 

There were moments I really enjoyed which would bring joy to my heart if I were to recall the memories. I loved it when we walked along the rocks under the warm glow of the moon. It was bright against the dark sky. There was the gentle lapping of the waves against the rocks, the dim lights of the lamps, the occasional buzz of a passing aeroplane in the sky, the soft fine sand flowing through between our toes. The vastness of both the sky and the sea - their entirety exuded a magical and mysterious glow, but yet at the same encapturing a sort of huge, unknown undescribable void..... 

Mag brought lanterns along and we carried them (bringing me back to my primary and secondary school days where we would carry lanterns and play with candles at our void decks) and walked along the beach. The lanterns were really mini ones, the traditional types in dark pink, light green and yellow with flowers adorned on it. It made me think of younger times when me and the pumpkins would play candles by the benches and throw sparklers into trees. Funny how time has flown! 
Lucky us, we managed to catch a live firework show. We waited for a good 20-30 minutes where the staff lighted up two  boxes of firework supported on the posts . It was magical! They shot up into the sky and burst into many colours and I enjoyed every second of it. I didn't take photo of them cuz I wanted to capture them all in my head. The firework was just right above our heads and I could see the sparks dropping down into the sand. (Kinda afraid that it would have dropped Onto my head though but I was lucky) I think they burst into colourful flames just about 10 storeys above us? It was so close!! Mag made friends with children along the way and it was really funny when one of the lanterns caught fire and the kids were really so excited about them.

I also tried the waterjet ski for the first time. It was ultra exhilarating because Wayne drove so fast and I was holding into him for dear life. I was such a noob, but real thanks to his selflessness he agreed to let me be the pillion rider even though I was such a burden! The jet ski person brought us out quite far and I saw  the many beaches and rocks and villas along the way. Of course at the time when we were flying through the water we couldn't take any photos, but I will always remember the experience in my head- the sliding of the jet ski over the strong waves, my heart in my mouth, the blasting winds through our hair, the brightness of the sun, the white passing beaches, the glittering water, the occasional fishing hut out in the further waters, the whizzing past of Kenneth on his jet ski with his hair flying up against the wind, the sharp loops and turns adventurous Wayne made, our (mostly mine) screams that went along with our jet ski ( "FUN OR NOT?" "YESSS!!" *accelerates more*) and of course me swinging into the water when I couldn't hold on anymore. We were all burnt lobsters thereafter. Pink shiny nose, reddish arms, tired bodies, refreshed souls.

Mag brought us out for a lavish dinner by the beach as well with luxuriant food platters! I tried sheared fish for the first time(tasted like fruit) and vinegrette(vinegar and basil oil?? Or was it olive oil?)! 


Being my roomie she made me step out of my comfort zones many a times- "WEAR THE BIKINI LAH" and I'm really thankful for her pushing me out of my boundaries I never thought I would. Perhaps it's really time for me.  

Being my foot wrestler he's a wise young man with wise soothing advice and words,but rmb I'll be there if you ever need too ;) 

& of course this fellow ESFP whom I find his quirkiness and eccentricity reflecting mine sometimes :) 

Appreciative for these series of events I've encountered so far- meeting new people, visiting new places, doing new things - definitely, experience is really the best teacher ever. 

Of course the best things are never in pictures or maybe not even words, but definitely in the head :) 

On a side note, I should really start embracing school. And I shall RESIST THE EVIL FORCES ;) 

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