Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Happiness is when you've learnt

Writing v simply.... 

Today's is one of my happy days. 
First of all, it is Charl's last week and hence we had a pot luck party at work! I cooked rice (LOL) and even learned how much water to measure and left it cook while we worked! Then J and K came too and I felt like we were almost reunited except for the rest who were all around the world. We brought all kinds of food Burmese food, Chinese food, western food, grassjelly, and some of us who couldn't cook (eg me) bought stuff from outside. It was a happy reunion(I felt like that way) and we laughed lots and ate lots. It was super filling! Charl's Sichuan dishes were tantalising(ESP her tofu), and Joseph cooked his fish (rly surprised at guys nowadays) and Ken wore his present we bought him. Happy happy day. 
Then we had free ice cream day! Even though I was already stuffed, I still went to get for the sake of free ice cream hehe. We all trooped down to get ice cream in the drizzle. Happily. 
Full and satisfied, we had to get back to work. Hahhaaha. 

At night I met Yaya, my unicorn! I feel so guilty for I've not seen her for so long. Met up at Baa baa black sheep and we went super high due to the pumped up music reverberating throughout the restaurant. It had both indoor and outdoor with huge ass tv screens. The outdoor was also not only cooling, but had a very calm ambience. It's indeed a good place to hang out and we had a great time filling ech other with stories. It felt as if we were still the same crappy folks since JC days. How I've missed it. 

A happy soul sleeps tonight. 

Think happy thoughts and do happy things. 
You'll definitely be happier.
That's also one step closer to loving yourself. 

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