Saturday, July 12, 2014

Another Chamber Performance

This time it was for my school's fund-raising event.
It was held at a place different from the other places I've performed before, a country club.
It was nestled so deep in the woods that I felt as if we had so much "secret green spaces".

It was a very hot sweltering day and looking at the golfers in the course made me think-why? hahaha
Performing with these bunch of people gave me a glimpse to more of their personality and it reminds me why we shouldn't judge. How I wish I can know them better...

The song was 7 minutes long.
During the performance I wondered if they were actually listening to us.
I could hear the chattering of voices, raucous laughter, clinking of glasses.
The 7 minutes felt particularly long.
I was glad when it was over.
I clambered quickly down the steps.

Prior to that, we had to apply a thin layer of make up and the preparations for the performance reminded me greatly of my secondary school days where we had to prepare for SYF and the whole room would be a in a frenzy- cluttered make up boxes all over, costumes strewn all around and everyone would be chattering and moving around in anticipation with a bundle of nerves.

There would also be guitar camps and me my friends would secretly leave the rooms in the middle of the night walking around school before heading back to the freezing music room. It amazes me how I can remember some things so vividly- though at that point of time it didnt really matter much to me, or not that it does now, but they were really times tht whenever we reminisce about it- it'd make us smile.
Sometimes I wonder why we even look back.
Probably it's because they contained so much innocuous and unpretentious memories that were made with immaturity but purity, with no distractions with other things like the social media and other.. things.
Because it was for SYF, we had to practise 2-3 times a week, and hence the bond built among us was strong and tight. But of course good times don't always last and we learn that.
People grow up and there are more important things to do, more people to meet up with, more commitments yada yada, yada yada.
Well, it was good while it lasted.
At least it's something I can look back fondly.

These are the photos that day at Island Country Club.
Another musical phase- with new, nice faces since uni. :)

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