Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Back to Ground 0.

"I didn't know I was slowly, unconsciously; but surely damaged.

You picked me up when I was in pieces.

Day by day, you painstakingly stitched up the confused parts - the parts that make me.

The parts, though broken, formed something beautiful.

It hinted of a beautiful ending.
Though the broken lines could be seen under a bright sun light, it brought out a vague, promising picture I never knew exisited.

You never complained though the parts seem to never end.

At times, you prick yourself. You stop, but you urge yourself to continue.

You believe that the end will be beautiful. 

However, the seasons change.

The same wind is now blowing. The wind that brought us together. 

But this time it blows in the other direction.

The stitched parts that you painstakingly sewed seem to falter in the wind.

Some fall broken to the ground, scraping the surface unwillingly, before coming to a stop.

You hold the remaining pieces of me in your hand."