Sunday, March 30, 2014

Very old school biscuit tins.

But woah, they're  selling 10 pieces for like $3 or even more now. 
Times has really changed! 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Happy 21st

To my friend since secondary 1.
We first met in Inline Hockey, then Guitar Club,
then got in the same class at 14.
At first I thought you were super strange, but you turned out really wonderful, intelligent and beautiful inside out.

Happy Birthday and stay happy always (:

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I wish I'd talk lesser.
I talk too much and most of the times they're nonsense. 
But if I don't, thats not me... right?
Went to the site for a visit. 
J came to find me and I'm really thankful for her concern.
Cheers to drowning stress, strains and even more stress.

Came across this advertisement and yes these two days have been what I'm feeling so far.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

This photo was 2 years ago.

Someone I can pour my troubles to without being judged (okay maybe she does a bit -,-), someone who will always accept me for whoever and whatever shit I do (with lots of sadistic stories on her side), someone whom I can say vulgarities to and she'll bomb me with ten times more, someone whom I can talk like we've never missed out on each others life, someone who'd slap me right on the face with lots of truth though they hurt. 

She's one of the best friends in my life ever and I wouldn't survive without her(besides my parents and family ya). Cheesy. And she wouldn't even bother reading this  but yes. 
She's lucky I even blogged about her. 

ILOVEYOUALWAYS even tho I make you hate me sometimes. :D

Monday, March 17, 2014

Yay to plant revival

The rain has come to Singapore! :) 
Yay to reviving the dried out leaves and plants 😁😁

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Yippee aye.
My group made this Spatial Joint using waterjet machine!

Thursday, March 13, 2014


The leaves have dried up :(
But somehow the dried up leaves carries the colour of Autumn!
Couldn't resist this shot.


Really pretty colours at Singapore Art Musuem.
It was even better when my friend, S, 
started smelling them.


 Recently finished a project again.
Though I still have much much much more to improve and learn, 
I really liked this particular one,
where I had to study social distances and social interactions between different people.
Somehow, it brought designing spaces to a deeper and more meaningful level.
A group project that had us to make a 3d joint.
Doesn't it look like a snowflake? :3

One of the first few group projects, 
Bringing people to live closely together,
formed by the well-thought out circulation spaces.
Had group members who really took care of me (hahah).
I can't be more blessed.


Even though we skipped lecture and had to forego a cohort movie, 
we had a rollercoaster experience installing one of MarinaBay's ilight installation this year thanks to our super awesome TA (teacher assistant)  
Through backbreaking hardcore jobs under the sun 
and (damn bloody) cold wind under the eyes of MBS & CBD, 
I learnt so much.
 Though this one of a kind experience this might not be academically fruitful, 
definitely these moments make Archi life so much easier and enjoyable with such amazing people. 
Yes for now, human relationships are still more important; 
naive as I may be.

& yes, it's worth it.
even though it may not be that ahhh-mazing, 
it is the experience that counts the most.
Seeing something you've put in much effort for within a short period of time and juggling other work-  and turning out really pretty really gives you a sense of satisfaction inside.

& of course,
not to mention the bonds created in the short period of time;
even as short as time permit.

If you've missed it, catch it here.

And fret not, 
it's still ongoing till 30 March!
Catch the other exhibits around Marina Bay by other designers as well :)

Random Scrolling

Was looking at the many photos in my computer.
Random scrolling.
But this caught my eye.
Even though I was, as usual, sloppily dressed, 
I kinda look carefree, which is hard to be in workload heavy school.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Not a believer, but this is a magnificent architecture against the fading sky.
Even went in for a look.

Somewhere like my kind of place.

#catsocrates at Bras Basah.
Was shocked though when we entered and a cat came into view.

Handmade card that really brought a smile to my eyes.